Trailers/TV spots


Warren Beatty and Annette Bening star in the incredible true story of Benjamin Bugsy Siegel, the playboy gangster who betrayed the Mob for love. A cold-blooded killer who dreamed of Hollywood stardom, a crazed "patriot" who plotted against Mussolini and the brilliant visionary who carved Las Vegas out of the dry Nevada desert. Bugsy had it all until he fell for the one woman who wanted more.

Bloody Sunday

Winner of the Sundance Film Festival's Audience Award, writer-director Paul Greengrass' "magnetic and impassioned"* drama is a "staggering re-creation"** of the events of Sunday, January 30th, 1972 when British troops clashed with unarmed protestors in Derry, Northern Ireland. With breathtaking verisimilitude, Bloody Sunday posits an immediate, you-are-there re-creation of Ireland's most controversial contemporary tragedy.

Blazing Saddles

Mel Brooks scored his first commercial hit with this raucous Western spoof starring the late Cleavon Little as the newly hired (and conspicuously black) sheriff of Rock Ridge. Sheriff Bart teams up with deputy Jim (Gene Wilder) to foil the railroad-building scheme of the nefarious Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman). The simple plot is just an excuse for a steady stream of gags, many of them unabashedly tasteless, that Brooks and his wacky cast pull off with side-splitting success.

Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings

In the world of 1930s Negro League baseball, a spirited team of renegade players travels around the Midwest looking for that one big score. Richard Pryor, Billy Dee Williams and James Earl Jones star as three barnstorming ballplayers who take on prejudice and their own League's unfair rules while stealing cars, food and home base - anything to prove that they're the best team around. It's a showdown of brains over booby traps and sportsmanship over racial segregation as Bingo Long's All-Stars swing their way to a winning season.

Broadway Danny Rose

Often overlooked, Broadway Danny Rose has developed a cult following among select Woody Allen fans; Chris Rock, of all people, says it's one of his favorite films. Allen plays a devoted talent agent for acts whose talent is, shall we say, marginal. But one of his clients, a faded singer named Lou Canova (Nick Apollo Forte), suddenly has a chance to perform for a record executive. Nervous, Canova insists that Rose bring his girlfriend to the show--unfortunately, his girlfriend is Tina Vitale (Mia Farrow), the wife of a big-time mobster.

The Buddy Holly Story

Rock historians and hard-core Buddy Holly fans can and do take issue with director Steve Rash's 1978 biopic of the Lubbock, Texas, rocker's life: the script liberally juggles details from Holly's brief but blazing career, replacing producer Norman Petty and Holly's original bassist and drummer with fictionalized composite characters. Yet the core of the film, and the reason it's definitely worth a look and listen, is Gary Busey's lusty performance in the title role, triumphing against what might have seemed miscasting.

Miracles / Black Dragon

Directed by and starring Jackie Chan, and set in 1930s Hong Kong, Miracles (alternate titles include "Miracles: The Canton Godfather", "Kei Zik" and "Black Dragon") is a gangster film that is equal parts comedy and action film, with a touch of melodrama thrown in for good measure. Chan stars as a young man who rescues a dying crime boss in 1930s Hong Kong. When the boss passes away, he is tapped to become the new leader. He attributes his good luck to an old rose seller and the roses he buys off of her.

Big Momma's House

Disguise the limit in this hilarious heavyweight hit that's "bigger than Mrs. Doubtfire, and badder than Tootsie"! (Mike Cidoni, ABC-TV) "Martin Lawrence brings down the house!" (E! Online) as crafty FBI agent Malcolm Turner -- he's willing to go through thick and thin in order to catch an escaped federal prisoner. "Nia Long is captivating" ( as Sherry, the con's sexy former flame -- she might have the skinny on millions in stolen bank loot, and she's headed for Georgia to lay low for a while.

Brian's Song

This highly acclaimed winner of five Emmy Awards is one of the best-loved movies ever made for television. It's the true story of the special relationship between two professional football players, Gale Sayers (Billy Dee Williams) and Brian Piccolo (James Caan). Both star players for the Chicago Bears, Sayers and Piccolo soon become roommates and best friends. When Sayers suffers a knee injury in mid-season, it's Piccolo who prods and inspires him to work toward a complete recovery. Then fate deals a cruel blow: Piccolo is stricken with malignant cancer.

Blue Streak

Master jewel thief Miles Logan (Martin Lawrence, Life, Bad Boys) has a big problem. A $20 million problem. Recently released from prison for the botched heist of a huge diamond, he's anxious to retrieve the hot rock which he hid at a construction site two years earlier. Unfortunately, his hiding place is now at the center of a recently completed high-security police precinct.


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